heading into town...

yeah, starting to be a one note tune this blog. Sorry about that... But I'm mostly just in town basically ;)  spending waaay too much money haha. However, today I DO have a plan -CINEMA!!! harry potter, again. Haha second time's the charm? naah more me and cissi have seen every movie together! AND THIS SHALL NOT BE THE EXCEPTION! I guess if nothing else I'll have to enjoy the white-man shuffle Harry performes :P aaaand drinks afterwards?! not to shady. I like it.

Hopefully I'll find a earing for my new piercing... and maybe (just maybe) I'll book a tattoo appointment! :D Oh i hope so!! I want that basterd done!! three tattoos. 1 from Thailand, 1 from London and 1 from Göteborg. It would be AAAAAWESOME.


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