Thursday.. (i think..)

Got a test in.... 1,5 h! and how much has Sandra studied? Well... WAAAY to little would be one way to describe it. Basically I'm fucked. And I know, I promised my dear beloved mother I would stop using fuck, shit.. in all landuages. (merd!) But I believe this is one of the occations that I can make a exception to the no-cursing rule. Because... well I'm fucked.

Satans PERKELE!!!!!
hopefully my mom is not aware of finnish cursewords quite yet.

But it's all under control. I've learned from management that what people do when they feel stressed is to:

1: find closest corner
2: coil up in fetal position
3: cry uncontrollably
4: think of something that makes you happy, like.. flowers.
5: stay in this position until you've missed you test.

Problem solved.

So that's what I'll be up to the following 3 hours. Then I'll head to julias' for cookies and thé

Postat av: engström

GOA TAKTER GOA TAKTER! BUT GET OUT OF THAT CORNER, det kan vara dammigt. (very likely to be so)

2010-11-18 @ 19:07:38

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