really life? Why would you place one of "those" days on a friday.. bitch I declare war

ffs. I could barely get out of bed before things desided to go straight to hell! Weather's bad, my hair's even worse.. Sersiously I'm glad I made it to work! considering I drove without my glasses.. again (you think I'd remember when I can't read the number on the bus infront of me).

However coming to work didn't help. just as I did probably a parking (if you can consider it parking) that would have insured I failed the drivers test.. I realize I've forgotten my lunch... and breakfast.. and snack. facepalm. Overwhelmed by indifference I leave the car anyway. But oh no! it won't end there.. as I enter the building I 1)trip on air 2) get attacked by a massive spider 3)jump and run away like a little girl into someone else. I f-ing hate life right now.

But no. that's not quite it. Clearly I'm incapable of locking the bathroom door without injuring myself today. Got a nice red mark right across the wrist. Really? Life see I think that's a bit over exaggerating don't you.

hungry and tired.. it's not even 7am yet!!!!! know what! fine! I'm just gonna spend my day in this chair in fear of further ruining my day. Well I do have to go to the liquor store at some point. and to my friends moving-in-party.

That should kick the feeling of indifference and moodyness out of me! I feel better just thinking about it.. :)

See life? this is war bitch- not that I know exactly how I would beat you yet. Feels like killing you wouldn't really be in my benefit. I'm just gonna do what I do to everything else (and strangely enough what the bible taught me...) turn the other cheek. And be overly positive!! HA HA HA! (clearly also go slightly mad so you might just leave me on your own will) 

....and now I'm surrounded by a fly infestation... massive facepalm.

Postat av: Sten

Du kanske skulle behöva besöka din pappa i helgen ? Vissa dagar är bara sådana ! Var glad , det kunde vara värre !

2011-08-05 @ 11:29:32

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