
I'm sorry.. If you wanted my sympathy and me to agree with you. Destroying peoples stores and properties, not really the way to go. If anything you make me stand behind the police 99% on this one. And right now all I hope is that they catch every single one of you. 

I understand people being frustrated and agrer about the cuts the government has been doing. The UK is severely in debt and cuts were necessary to do, but the cuts have been affecting the wrong group of people. It angers me as well. trust me. But the imiges I see and the news I hear from London just pisses me off. Fully. The same feeling I got when it was the previous riot in London last fall regarding the tuition fees (yes, I was there and I walked in the demonstration, I care). But when does it ever become ok to use violence to make people feel for you? 

another thing that I think is completely intolerable, but important to point out; These people don't think about democracy, these people aren't rioting due to the death of an young father of 4, Most of these people are just criminals seeing the opportunity created by the disorder and taking it.

A few ruining for many.    


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