Vinyl is just... sexy!
If Vinyl was described one song it would be foxy lady by Jimi Hendrix. E
veryone has to agree with me on that! It has that old school, hollywood class that CDs just don't have!
And I have now finally started my record collection, by buying the one record I always wanted.. with my absolutely, no questions about it, favourite song: It ain't me babe. Of course I'm talkig about mr Bob Dylan.
I'm on cloud nine right now. I can't believe I finally did it! I know my future collection will be mainly consisting of second hand - which is exactly I want! I love the thought of going through boxes of records at second hand shops.
But I did want my first one to be mine. Just mine. So I bought it new. People, it's my record virginity we're talking about here and I take these things deadly serious. I have even maped out all secondhand shops in edinburgh that sells Vinyl and I have looked up a fair in dundee that I am most defenitly going to.
Only problem, my WANT list is far too long. But jimi hendrix, the old school blues of muddy waters etc are high up. As well as Queen, Beatles, stones.. etc etc. damn, just too many to even name them all.