christmas part 1 done

(Yes I know there's a miss in the dates.. Even by swedish standards.. But this is just how we roll) Christmas with mother done :) so nice! The smörgåsbord was there, the allergic reaction from my part was there, the snaps (read akvavit shot) was there, the beer was drunken.. The probably inappropriate jokes were there as well. Basically a lovely gathering of the Brogren's! And I still have half of it to go on monday with my padre!! :D Gifts were amazing ofc. (Though there was a lack of socks..) The Black Keys - El Camino A morning robe (yes I can now join the senior citizens for real!) A cutlery set (I am after all a grown up.. Thus grown up gifts are a necessity. Socks however was not included..) And money. Hard cash. Always appreciated. Gone to the -travel the world- savings account (and buy socks account) Good start to the holidays! But now it's officially the 24th! So : God Jul!


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