Getting into the Christmas spirit.. well sort off anyway
For someone who doesn't really celebrate christmas more then to the extent that I like the food and having a chilled evening spending time with the family it can be called geting into the right spirit. And this year I'm not even gonna celebrate it on christmas -neither eve nor day. But that desn't really matter... as I said. I like what we do on christmas (minus all the gift panic) not the actual : lets celebrate the birth of jesus.
WELL, back to the beginning. Today I've sort off gotten into the spirit. I'm freezing cold (good start). and I've been attempting to bake. Fingers crossed it wil turn out edible. considering it's too cold to make the yeast function properly and that I only had whole wheat flour.
I've been listening to 2 christmas songs... on repreat. mainly due to the 80's fashion or pretty boys in the videos but it still counts (huh, just realized that I haven't listened to wham!?!?).
Waiting to get those firm and nice buns into the oven (please, feel free to imply every sexual connotation you can possibly think of). Then I got to cook my dinner so I eat early before Pole. :)
Yea... today's a great day. Also (with right to brag) I managed to get a 19 on my SD presentation... and everyone who isn't aware of it: 20 is max.
Good, good mood :)