sitting with my last essay and cold coffee in the library....

... and it sucks because I know most people are already home. mrf.

But I'm comming along.. slowly.. It's due on tuesday. So technically I can finish it when I'm home in a cold and depressing Sweden on friday night. But lets try to avoid that shall we ;)

Though I have to say! DAMN I've been effective today! :D Cleaned my entire room + bathroom, did dishes and a wee part of the kitchen counter.. followed by the living room. I'm exhausted to the max. But it could have been a lot worse, I could still have course work to do... oh wait.

MEh I shall soon get kicked in the arse and stop my selfpity. Mainly because the library closes in 1h and I'd like to have done 1000 words by then. But not. Yet.


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