the "oh so cliché"-new years eve resumé. (and resolutions for the coming year)
and I'm not intending to hold back on the cheese. And how could I? This year feels like a bad American chickflick with the slow but good start the sort of anti-climax in the middle the great friends that pulled you though tough times and then ending on an absolute high :D! haha But nontheless I am forever greatful for it :D Many great lessons has been learned this year. And I'm not gonna mention names since people most of the time tend to know who they are... but I have this year come closer to some really awesome and utterly amazing people that makes me laugh and feel .. well, great! not to forget I have also come closer to a lot of people I knew before but have proven to be priceless friends that I hope to give back what they've done to me one day. :)
I've been to Portugal with some crazy as girls, I've been (finally) to Ireland -more specifically Northen Ireland- meeting some lovely and amazing people and fallen in love with the place ever so slightly.
I've even been to Aberdeen!! ;)
I've started collecting Records (finally as well). After considering it for years from admiering my dad's collection. Mayhaps I started because of some bad influence but I don't really care :P
My music repetoire has expanded. and I've discovered I am most likely, like the greater porportion of the Swedish population; a hipster.
I've discovered my love for Art History -leading to a sliiight change in my degree.
nope. This year has been filled with it all: love, laughter, heartbreak and sadness. But the most important thing I feel is how I feel right now, In this moment! and what I bring with me into the next year (the year I'll turn 22 and becomes really f-ing old). Just Love and Complete Happiness. I feel like everything is simply right in my life right now :)
For me this is what New Years is all about. It's about leaving all the bad behind. Taking with you all the good and joy and fond memories and leaping into the next chapter.
Because in the end... all that "bad" stuff that happened doesn't really matter anymore after the clock strikes midnight tomorrow, it will all be in the past. All that will remain is some vauge memories and the growth in me as a person. I don't really like to cling onto things of the past... so all will be forgiven full heartedly (honestly I most likely already have... but just to clearify for all) :) <3
I have never really been a person to hide my feelings about people. If I say you are my friend you are in my eyes and will most likely always be. If I say I like you I do with all that I am. It is not in my nature to "waste" time with people I don't like... simply because I can spend all that time with people who's company I enjoy.
This is ever so slightly digressing from the Resumé I intended. But it is what I take with me the most. My friends. My family... even my disfunctional uni family... you all mean the world to me and this year would have been nothing without any of you.
SO! these as my new years eve resolution:
I will spend more time listening to my friends and family.
I will also try to focus more on uni work.
I will become the best pole-fitness.. erhm person I could possibly be!
I shall NOT get pregnant (an old classic but it appears to be something I'm quite good at keeping)
I will (that's right I will.. not attempt but will) win at least ONE STUPID FIFA GAME!!
I will(!) get enough money to at least go abroad. If now abroad has to be Denmark.
....and for the love of a god I don't really believe in but I like the powerful sound of it, I shall definitely NOT get pregnant.
one of many great songs discovered. It's in my top 100 list.. the one that will never be made since I'm too busy pretending to do others.