and...that was all I had time for in Schweden for now.
heading back to St Andrews tomorrow! So y'all beware, I'm well rested...
However, I still think I managed to do pretty much everything I needed to do while I was here...
I did spend money I theoretically didn't have. I did fika -a lot.
However.. I didn't lose the bowling as planed. I ended up with an astonishing 4th place! ended the series with 2 strikes and 3 spares. Clearly my performance was strongly related to the amount of beer I was drinking. 3 beers in and the strikes started comming.
Also I got behind the wheal of a car. See, this could be a time and place where you'd take my drivers licence away from me, or just high-five me. I prefer the later. Driving on ice without my glasses... maaaybe speeding a little. Definitly complaining about womens capability to drive.. over taking a poor little youngling that was learning how to drive. But it's ok. I suffer from hubris. I'm the best driver ever... I'm a natural and the road, me and the car we are one. It's a beautiful thing.
ahaa... now I question julia for sitting in the car with me more then I question myself ;)