heading out in e few. again...

Just wanted to have a quick recap on what has happened today:

Woke up at 5 (after, for the first time ever, throwing in the towel first and gone home at 12 from the union). Then made myself tired from listening to spotifu radio for 3h. Fallen asleep again, woke up the second time at 11. Realized I forgot to say goodbye to our flatmate.

Taken a bus to Dundee... Being a bit of a
masochist and walked around for a bit in Topshop without money (love that store!). Had a little rant on why on gods earth there was annoying kids in the disney store?! 

Bought 2 DVDs just for the sake of not returing from this shopping trip empty handed.
-The girl who played with fire and Taken where my purchases fyi.

Retured home, sat on Katrina's bed... ate a terrific dinner. Then started drinking and now trying to head out.

Nice day I'd say.
tata... oh and I noticed that I can no longer put up videos.


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