Golf spam.
I'm watching McIlroy play. now.. keep it together.. just one hole left!

I'm just so happy I found a channel that shows Irish open! JOY! I don't know really why I started thinking golf is fun to watch. It's just the magic of rory I guess. ;) strangely enough I care more about that Northen irish guy then I care about the swedes... and I know more NI players then I know swedish ones..? could it be because they tend to win a bit more? or because they are just in every possible way just a wee bit cooler? Lets be honest, swedes are skimmed milk. diluted and boring (and yet I love it)
No This discovery must be todays highlight! I can see all the action LIVE! quite the improvement from yesterdays spamming of the Irish open webpage.

tonights random thoughts are sponsored by the best black skinny jeans I've ever seen
yes I've been shopping. But these are amazing skinny jeans! I could easily run a hurdle race.. well probably not.. but technically if I actually had the stamina for it I could. So skinny, yet so mobile.
Also bought a really cute white top, one that I think 50% of the swedish female population has.. luckily I don't live in sweden so ta!
But What I really wanted to point out besides amazing shopping and the general idea that I got to pend some time with the fabulous miss Lina. And guess what; I have realized something. Am I too emotional? Ok most people know I rarely have any emotion except joy, fun or content (unless I get pushed over the line when I have a emotional breakdown ever 2nd year) But I expect everyone around me to have the same sort of openess about everything! And well... I guess in a way that isn't fair. But... I hate not knowing what people think. I truely hate it. And I'm getting better at understanding I can't actually know every single thing a person is thinking. But this is why I at times ask a million questions. Because I'm shit at reading people. The few attempts I do I get it wrong 90% of the time.
as usually when girls get together and talk about everything and nothing we discussed the most discused topic; what we want in a guy. And I've already mentioned to everyone at work, a musically talanted guy.. oh dear haha the sight of a guitar, bass or drumkit makes my knees week. And I most definitely need a guy that will tell me what's on his mind or shows it clearly. haha my psychological evaluation of myself has proven that. ;) other then those few things.. I really haven't got more criterias, which makes my life a lot easier.
The only thing I know for sure I don't want... is a "prince" oh even typing it makes me gag. haha If I ever describe a guys as a "prince".. not for me.
I did say it was random thoughts.. and tomorrow it's friday.. (ffs. I really can't write that without being reminded of rebecca black!! my life is ruined)
new future plan!
I'm still becoming the drunk grumpy old cat lady, and a cougar... BUT! now I have a plan for after uni! work at a luxary boat (I think the actual term is cruise) and travel the world!! or better plan just save up all my money and travel the world on a cruise!!
There was one outside my workplace in the harbour -at the old shipbuilding company- and it was a DREAM! obviously going around scandinavia isn't really what I'm going for... but you know.. cough* maybe the carribean.. ;)
all so when I do sitt there on my porch completely trashed and trowing stuff at kids that dare come within my perimeter. At least then, I can think... it wasn't to shady ;)
(unless I end up having a titanic moment)
It has to be said.
First thing first, The horrific events that has been on every front page, every news channel.. the unbelievable events in Norway. The one thing that can fight this sort of evil, the deep hatered that the murderer illustrated is lots and lots of love. And I think that is exactly what the norwegian people and also the rest of the world are showing. We have all come together and showed support, sympathy and love. When something like this happens it can go either way.. either people show hatered back, or they get togheter and stand strong.
It gives me hope that this isn't such a horrible place to live in. :)
Secondly, something that was put a side a bit due to the mass murder in Norway. The death of Amy Winehouse. Ok, it was something I anticipated. But something that I think has been forgotten is that she was a very good singer, with an amazing voice. I wasn't a massive fan of her in general, But when something is good it is good and I do consider her album back to black one of my favourite albums. I think the least that can be done after her passing away is to remember her for her musicality and not her trubbled life. She was a hugh talent, and as with all deaths related to drug or alcohol related issues.. they are so unnecessary.
This is a small salute to her memory, as a great musician.
embarrassment knows no boundaries...
I found my long lost ipod. jumping with joy talking about how I finally might be able to transfer the old music to my new ipod (mainly thinking about rolling stones magazine's top 500 best song ever).. fun to find that old me seems to mainly love:

Britney spears, Metrostation... miley cyrus? Oh dear god. I... I'm so ashamed. haha I know that all the old good charlotte t-shirts meant that I had some music horrors in my well... closet. But this?
and oh the 500 best song's of all time? Clearly I didn't feel like it was good enough to put on the ipod. Facepalm... Am I the only one that wants to purchase a timemachine and go back and slap myself?
haha thank god I got myself together in the end!! I'm just gonna trow in a horrible photo whilst I'm at it. You know, what would a entry in my blog be without the cream de la cream

the photo that should have been deleted I'm sick, very un-fresh to say the least.. and what's up with the massive red zit? (I'm not gonna bother going into choice of outfit. I did like it.. but I can't match colours hence: black on black and denim. My perfect match, you can never go wrong.
...if Harry Potter is suppose to be a part of our childhood, does this technically mean I'm a grown up now when it's all over? Because when I laughed my arse off during the epilogue at the mega-super ginger children. and that they had 15 year old boys 'staches and beer guts. That was that sex appeal, thanks Warner brothers for killing the little glimps of meaning with the films in the last 3 min.
No but Harry potter has given so much to the world. they have: made nerds cool, wand/willy jokes, Robert Pattinson.... erhm... robert pattinson and ginger jokes are back on the map! So much contribution over a really long time.
I really hope it's the inside that counts.
I might just have to flee the country or something after the wordrobe malfunction I just rocked in public... at 9:30 on a saturday. It is a look I like to call the "hobo/trailer trash/escaped convict very lonely woman looking for spouse". A look I in St andrews called the "hey! look at me I'm on a dry spell" look. Both are very similar. the St andrews one does however include tucked in socks and a red fleece.
This morning I did however for the first time realize just how bad this "apperance" actually is. I was given some very dirty looks from a lot of people (not dirty as in "come home with me you foxy lady" but more as in "run! hide all the gold! and children!")
I took a good look at myself:
I was having a horrendous bad hair day. very much bed hair, and I'm fairly sure that I at one or two points had insects trapped in it. I was wearing my far to big shorts without the belt... thus displaying the grandma pants. I was also wearing one of those unfunny t-shirts with a funny text on, and no bra underneath. (wow... I wish it would stop there...). Also wellies and a winter jacket.... keeping in mind people that it is over 20 degrees out. and dry.
No. I have clearly either: a) given up on life b) decided I don't really live her thus do not care c) subconsiously decided I don't want a swedish boyfriend and is therefore trying to repell everything in my presence d)all of the above.
oh yea... I was also at the time holding a bad of poo (I was out walking the dog if I failed to mention that). mm hm, I'm just that kind of sexy lady.
top 5
I'm sad and slightly depressing. Mainly as I'm on my own is walking around doing t.rex impersinations. Oh dear. haha well, in an attempt to redeem myself I figure I could post my top five "artist and songs that, no matter what, moves me and that I will never get tired off" (sort of long title, but favourite songs/artist was too hard to narrow down to a top 5) that I did with no help from Clarence yesterday (sorry... U2 will never be on the list!!)
How I chose to descibe the songs that made the list: "It's songs that just grabs you by the balls toss you around and then trow you out through the window! U2 will never do that! they just sensually carass your balls.. not the same!"
Anyway! So many song I wanted to have on it. But finally I got it down:
1: Bob Dylan - Ain't me babe
2: David Bowie - Life on mars?
3: Rolling stones - you got the silver (especially week for keiths version)
4: Otis Redding - sitting on the dock of the bay
5: The contours - Do you love me
I'm quite pleased with it ;) so many song I wanted to have on it just made the list a copy of High fidelity lists so Aretha got saked from the list and replaced by otis. Don't really have a problem with that. Great music is great music!
Am I redeemed? not really. I went from dinosours impersinations for my dog (not my biggest fan) to pretentiousness.