It has to be said.

First thing first, The horrific events that has been on every front page, every news channel.. the unbelievable events in Norway. The one thing that can fight this sort of evil, the deep hatered that the murderer illustrated is lots and lots of love. And I think that is exactly what the norwegian people and also the rest of the world are showing. We have all come together and showed support, sympathy and love. When something like this happens it can go either way.. either people show hatered back, or they get togheter and stand strong.

It gives me hope that this isn't such a horrible place to live in. :)  

Secondly, something that was put a side a bit due to the mass murder in Norway. The death of Amy Winehouse. Ok, it was something I anticipated. But something that I think has been forgotten is that she was a very good singer, with an amazing voice. I wasn't a massive fan of her in general, But when something is good it is good and I do consider her album back to black one of my favourite albums. I think the least that can be done after her passing away is to remember her for her musicality and not her trubbled life. She was a hugh talent, and as with all deaths related to drug or alcohol related issues.. they are so unnecessary.

This is a small salute to her memory, as a great musician.


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