the magic of number 7.
7 seems to be the magical number at midsummer.
In my midsummer crown I have 7 different kinds of flowers
Too dream about the man I'll marry I'm suppose to jump over 7 roundpole fences, 7 meadows and pick 7 kinds of flowers and place them under my pillow. Fortunatly last time I did this I dreamt about zombies and woke up with a fun allergy... So I'm just gonna assume I'll be a single gal until me and my cats perish.
7 is also the number of hairs I've plucked from my mothers mustache this morning.
Midsummer is ALWAYS the best day of the year! I still remember midsummer in Berlin a couple of sumemrs ago (mainly because of the drunk bartender and Åke shouting "it's a penis!! we dance around a giant dick!!" bless him haha). Or two summers ago when we were at Julia's summer house? or last year when we had a big celebration with a ,(most likely) slightly high, music teacher and we sat around singing and playing the guitarr all night?
Fun fact time!
The form of the midsummer pole (maypole/giant dick as Åka called it) is said to come from pre-christian times, and was a phallic fertility symbol, meant to impregnate the earth. Now this has never been proven. But by the shape of the pole... and the fact that we're in sweden.. I'm accepting this as a legit explination.
In my midsummer crown I have 7 different kinds of flowers
Too dream about the man I'll marry I'm suppose to jump over 7 roundpole fences, 7 meadows and pick 7 kinds of flowers and place them under my pillow. Fortunatly last time I did this I dreamt about zombies and woke up with a fun allergy... So I'm just gonna assume I'll be a single gal until me and my cats perish.
7 is also the number of hairs I've plucked from my mothers mustache this morning.
Midsummer is ALWAYS the best day of the year! I still remember midsummer in Berlin a couple of sumemrs ago (mainly because of the drunk bartender and Åke shouting "it's a penis!! we dance around a giant dick!!" bless him haha). Or two summers ago when we were at Julia's summer house? or last year when we had a big celebration with a ,(most likely) slightly high, music teacher and we sat around singing and playing the guitarr all night?
Fun fact time!
The form of the midsummer pole (maypole/giant dick as Åka called it) is said to come from pre-christian times, and was a phallic fertility symbol, meant to impregnate the earth. Now this has never been proven. But by the shape of the pole... and the fact that we're in sweden.. I'm accepting this as a legit explination.