"personal ad" (sound better then "the lonely hearts column")
(yea it has gone that far.... well not really, but I'm out of things to write about that hasn't got anything to do with pole, library, football or golf..or food)
I've had a thought. How do you find a nice guy that you find attractive (being general since as we say smaken är som baken in sweden, we all like different things), that your friends adore and that adores you back in return in this "whole on the map" town? This goes for guys as well of course.. where can we all meet up and just find eachother? Because right now I am starting to lose faith in this town that I'll ever find a guy that I fancy. And -nice thing to add- most of my friends hasn't a)slept with b)made out with.
I'd love to find someone sort of outside the group of people I hang out with.. mainly because if it would fuck up... it would fuck it up really bad, and I can't have that in my life right now.
sigh. Why does it feel like the bitches and douches always end up with the best people all the time? I think it's our -the mediocre- people's turn to find someone good enough to stand by ourside.
So yea. I want a good enough guy that won't be a prick to me nor my friends. That lets me know that he cares and is proud to be by my side. it's not really an awful lot to ask for? I'm not expecting you to be mel gribson in braveheart. though a kilt would be considered a plus if you're scottish. And I have a funny thing about age... has to be over 20 at least, otherwise I'd feel too old. but yea. that would be about it...
anyone who knows anyone who fits the profile?