what happened last night?
I can say that last night started out great, but ended in Hospital visit. All I can say is that I'm so, so, SO thankfull to Katrina & Sophie who looked after me and took care of me. God Love you guys!! Must have been the scarriest experiensce in my life. I know I was drunk. I do have some insight haha And also I guess most of you reading this now thinks "oh silly drunk woman. Just couldn't handle her drink.. mystary solved" Yea, I'd probably think the same thing if I heared someone I knew had been drunk and ended up in a hospital. Especially since I did fall quite hard on the pavement previously (yea proper slammed the asfalt) BUT! That's not the entrie truth.
Drunk me got home with the help of Katrina. At home I just got a really bad feeling.. assuming that I just needed to erhm.. visit the toilet, I went to the bathroom and then it all just went to hell. My guess is that my body went into some sort of shock because I just collapsed on the bathroom floor and my entrie body begun cramping. badly. So bad that I genuily could breath.. so thank god Katrina and Sophie where there to help me. I must say that not being in control of your own body must be the worst feeling ever. Since the cramping didn't go away Katrina and Sophie drove me to the hospital where I got tested and given a muscle relaxer (and two other syringes in my bum)
All in all. I am now no longer allowed to drink anything for the rest of the week. And I'm really really ok with that.
The point that I want to get across are:
1) I owe Katrina and Sophie for being absolutely amazing.
2) I'm Ok now! Just feels like I've done a marathon. Muscles are soooore
3) I'm still going out tomorrow!!! rocksoc shall not get rid of me that easily.
-dear parents. No need to be worried. I'm looking after myself. :)
Postat av: engström
Kvinna! Vad är det jag läser?! Låter inte toppen någonstans, men säger du att du är OK nu, så är också det toppen! Låter otäckt dock... Då får jag väl hålla tummarna på att resten (nu nyktra) veckan blir go ändå!