Is it just me or is it ironic that easter is finally upon us... and on monday I'm back in the lecturehalls? I'm preeeetty darn sure that easter break was between easter? as in the week before and week after... and considering all my social research networks are over flooding with news of people going on break and the streets of st andrews are overtaken by hord of families enjoying themselves.... meh-
Clearly St Andrews uni just goes their own way, and I for one revel in the idea that we had 30 degrees.... people going on break now got hail and rain.
I'm not a bad person really... I'm just happy I got the better of the two.
However! Easter is not gonna be celebrated the olden ways of dressing up as a witch and knocking doors to get candy. Nor will I get an easter egg from my mother, apparently I'm too grown up (I would like to agree to disagree on that one). I'm not even gonna have tha classical Easter lunch with herring, meatballs, tiny sausages or egg and kaviar!
Instead I'll be woring in the library - head home and eat steak and pasta (since that's what I have) with my lovely boyfriend, who I'd like to add as a side note is getting a biiiit to spoiled with me cooking for him daily I reckon, and (to return to the point again) watch The Voice UK.
Not quite the traditional celebration but I don't see why things always has to be so traditional. I'm young and starting my own traditions! If they involve over working, whatever the fridge offers and shit TV then so be it!!!
oh yea I almost forgot: Happy Easter everyone!