Giving my self a study break..
.. Mainly because reading an article with buiscits next to you turned out to be a shit idea. So if I take a break and forget about the buiscits -which has now been safely placed in my bag- and instead ramble on about something that spinns around in that little round head of mine.
So. How am I today. Quite alright I'd have to day. Thanks to certain biological features that came with the uterus it's not the best of days.. but besides that not to bad. Woke up snuggled up in bf armpit as usual. Went to 2 lectures.. a usual (hehe art students).. and managed to book a private little tutorial for tomorrow since -insert female related issue here- I could go this morning. Productive day is probably what I dare call it. + lets not forget I had lunch with Julia so that always brightens up one's day.
However, need to get a lot of work done. On thursday I'll be trying to get on the rocksoc committee (fingerscrossed for me!!!) and I really hope I make it. :)
Know I'd do a great job. + I have a steady heavy influence from the man I share a bed with so I would try to please that side of rocksoc as much as possible. If nothing else in the hopes that he might actually show up one time.
I reckon this is enough of a break... and to top of this little random blog entry - here's a random picture. Enjoy.
