the late night ramble

I've realised something tonight, something great.. And please don't immediately label this random thoughts because I think it might be (well not revolutionary) an important insight. It's about the L word.. Meaning Love (knowing about the tv series) Love is growing on me. I am now fully aware about what that word actually means. To Love someone is to care 110% about them (them being friends, family or bf/gf). Seeing them upset is the most heartbreaking thing, and at the same time seeing them excited and laughing is the best thing in the world. Saying the actual words I Love you to someone has always to me seemed like a milestone.. But then again when it happened, it felt so naturally. As if it was a matter of fact more then a brave move in a relationship. I am so grateful to have people in my life that I feel this way about.. And trust me, when you Love someone they are worth fighting for, or just making that extra effort. I am in Love, and I want to stay in Love for a lot longer por favor.


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