Another Library night in store for ms Brogren

... Not that I'm complaining. Hard work tonight and tomorrow will allow me to take toorrow night off to help Sophie with her Charity collection. + That means I will be able to go out on Saturday and have the most amazing time at FS with all the cool cats.

Lots of fun in store this comming month: hence a lot of planing and hard work during the weeks. e.g. Rave Bop next week. Rocksoc will be rolling as usual and a trip home to Sweden during easter :) Which will be fun as Dave is coming along so I now have to plan something to do... besides going to either Denmark or Norway.

Putting on some Swedish radio and shall now dive into the topic of spiritualism in abstract art. SOunds a bit effy... appears to be a bit effy... but after reading a lot about the subject I can say I have a hole new appreciation for modern art. Slightly in love with Kandinsky and Mondrian at the moment. Which should be very helpful in writing this essay ;) And making it easy to do a presentation about it. Being passionate about your subject tends to help..

Piet Mondrian

Kandinsky - composition VII (1913)


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