Second years done!
I've now done 50% of my university time is now done.
Feels a bit odd to be honest, but I'm very pleased with how my exams went. I feel like the sticking to the books and the library did pay off. I'm not great at writing essays during exams (I always digress and forget about the question half way through), but I feel like there was a few questions I could have had a good chance with. Hopefully now I did the right ones :P
Management yesterday; Got the right questions. Spot on what I'd studied and felt comfertable with. Now just a matter on how well I presented my ideas.
Art History today; one question that I really had studied -mr Duchamp and his readymades. So Very pleased about that and then... a quesiton about the relationship between activism and art during the 60's to the 90's. Spot. On. My subject.. haha and I'd read just this morning about performance art that is very much about activism. But yeah... hopefully I got my knowledge across.
It's really difficult sometimes. And I would like to remind people... english is not my first language. There has been times when I don't even understand the essay questions. And today I think I spend 5 minutes just thinking about "sayings". I know what swedish one I want to say and then remembering the english equivalence.. argh so frustrating.
Celebrations will/have taken place. ½ fish supper and a bottle of good rekorderlig swedish cider. And later on Football in the union. Good times. Couldn't be better.
Now gonna focus on anjoying myself until I return to sweden on the 20th. And I'm gonna clean my room and file all my papers from this year into folders. All the stuff to mark the end.. and to get some order on my desk which has a pile of paper that has grown during the year quite substantially.
Happy swed says puss å kram