NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS +(special song and you have to guess which one it is)
- Don't be a cock block (to others... because it isn't nice)
- Don't get pregnant or get married drunk (or sober!)
- Return to the classical Viking spirit. Aka Raping and plundering...
- Stop using the E-word
- Get bottled by a Scot for failing resolution nr 4
- Keep a plant alive for more then 3 weeks (which is the record)
- Help people more... unless this would include prostitution, highways in Poland or other shady sexual favours. However donating a kidney -totally ok!
- Stop smoking. Thus ofcourse; Don't start smoking. (only including marlboro red)
- Learn to get more drunk on less alcohol. Show the liver who's the boss.
- Seriousy, DON'T GET PREGNANT!! if such a thing happens we'll put it in a litterbox and ship it to Ellie.
Almost like the ten commandments. Some are more tricky, some are my safe bets... you know, to boost the confidence a bit ;)
Some of them is just a matter of remembering the little pill every morning.
Some I most definitly won't succeed with.... (we all know which one)
And ofc, as promised. A special song :)
I'll end the year with a quote from a very wise man: "My liver is fine... but I think he might be addicted to alcohol"
Mass fornication people. Hope the next decade will be as awesome as this one!!! Which it probably will... consider it's my 20's ;)
"last" night of the decade.
I am working on a new year's eve resolution list... which will be published tomorrow morning :) alongside a special song which has been thoughtfully choosen ;) hahaha
But to night, the night before the big one and in a way the second to last night of the decade. I'll be sitting in my room.. with a glas of wine and my laptop and watch the Olympic Chronicle.
peace out. Love and Mass fornication people.... xxxxx
how to spend way too much money in 3 days.
I could prob. write one hell of a guide book on that. got home today after my 3rd day in town trying to make bargains... I think I've been compensating for the lack of shopping in St Andrews. But now I've definitly (!!) reached my limit!!

I've bought:
1 Ipod
1 shirt
1 pair of black jeans
1 t-shirt
2 sweaters
sunglasses (out of ugliness.. who buys that!?!? It's like when I spend £80 on shoes in the wrong size-- because they where pretty to look at!? seriously.. these are the times I look up the nr to a shrink)
I've bought make up in every form (mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadows, eye pencil... and the pensharpener to go with it)
Face masks..
a piercing-ring to go with the new one!! matching ofc.
and the CD's I bought over the internet.. darn CDON!!
wow. I've bought so much more then I tought. I've calculated the money I've spent. Lets say; I won't tell my mom.

BUT NO MORE SHOPPING!!! unless it's a bikini. I need a new one. Or more, I want a new one.. haha and a tattoo ;)
The troubadour Cornelis Vreeswijk...great swedish songs.

Cornelis Vreeswijk - somliga går i trasiga skor. roughly translated as: some walk in broken shoes
heading into town...
yeah, starting to be a one note tune this blog. Sorry about that... But I'm mostly just in town basically ;) spending waaay too much money haha. However, today I DO have a plan -CINEMA!!! harry potter, again. Haha second time's the charm? naah more me and cissi have seen every movie together! AND THIS SHALL NOT BE THE EXCEPTION! I guess if nothing else I'll have to enjoy the white-man shuffle Harry performes :P aaaand drinks afterwards?! not to shady. I like it.

Hopefully I'll find a earing for my new piercing... and maybe (just maybe) I'll book a tattoo appointment! :D Oh i hope so!! I want that basterd done!! three tattoos. 1 from Thailand, 1 from London and 1 from Göteborg. It would be AAAAAWESOME.

boxing day.. or as we call it "second christmas day"
as if we didn't have too many days already? (I just love having a cynical view of christmas)...
first, LOVED the documentary last night.. didn't know bruce wrote "because the night"?! wtf!! great song.. and the album they were talking about; darkness on the edge of town, superb. Any how. Thank God Hans has pretty much everything Bruce has done.. A lot cheaper for me! Haha don't have to buy them all... just copying them to my computer will do. For now. ;)
So, since this by the look of things has turned to a new updated version of the facebook status. I might as well add that I do have a life, and I am going out. Gonna take a run for the bus in 15 min. See I don't care about boxing day... so I'm going shopping with my guuurls! and eat sushi (making up for all I've lost and will miss in St andrews). Then I'll stand outside Emil's and Jenny's window and sing until they'll let me in. Or just ring the door bell (haven't quite decided yet...)
ON THE SHOPPING LIST! AN IPOD!!!!! and what ever else I might find.
And now I'm over it... and Timo Räisänen
just came from my dad's.. and now Christmas is definitly over! Got more money (shopping tomorrow with the ladies!!!). And I've spent the rest of the day listening to Timo's album. Impressed to say the least. He's really good.
And I didn't go to church. Haha I got an option between sleep or jesus. Obvious choice!
Best. Present. Ever!
or... everything was awesome!! (especially the £150 haha) But the Beatles CDs... Hans gave us "the meaning of life" according to him, and I liked it. A LOT! Then I bought Timo Räisänens album for myself. Because I'm the greatest daughter ever, who (!!) will join my mother in the christmas service tomorrow. At 7!!!!! oh jesus... why where you born?
still, the dogs got more presents then me.. But I got an awesome gift. that's following me to Scotland!
(pretty sure ther is no need to translate that one).

and now, excuse me.. I've got to spend this glorious day watching meaningless TV in the form of Donald Duck and ALL of his friends.
23 dec. "christmas eve eve"
The most important thing today is that it is THE day before Christmas (eve)!! As I told my mom at the breakfast table, I don't care about the presents and I don't care about baby jesus... but I do care about the food and spending time with relatives I do actually like. mostly I just care about the food. I tried to figure out what song to post today, but all Hans has been playing is country CD's and Dolly Parton -which IS good, just not very.. hm.. Christmas..ish. So, In the true spirit of being a Swede and that tomorrow is christmas.. O holy night swedish version.
Ofc by Peter Jöback.. The guy that broke my heart when I was eight. Turned out that the most gorgeous man in sweden is gay.
Ofc by Peter Jöback.. The guy that broke my heart when I was eight. Turned out that the most gorgeous man in sweden is gay.
Johnny Cash... another plus with being back.
Nothing beats waking up to the sweet tunes of mr Cash. Thanks Hans for playing good music, especially at 10am.
David Bowie... love!
just fan-f***ing-tastic! Love this song... just.... love. It's great from beginning to end. David Bowie is a God. See, as a non-religous person I do believe in something ;)
spent time looking through Hans CD collection (Which is impressive. approx. 3800-3900 CDs) so I've got the boring day 25th coverd..
Mando Diao - Dance with somebody
Woke up with this lovely tune playing on MTV. Havn't heard it in years (try 1).. Nice video with some examples of the fantastic whiteman shuffle. + Gustaf Norén isn't that bad either ;) (the dude with the headphones..)
Time to hit the winter city GBG with my dearest Julia! :D Not buying christmas presents (My parents receive the gift of a childs love.. they should be happy!) However I am buying stuff for myself, bra's and shoes are needed! since my mom threw away mine. sigh* She thought she was doing me a favour.. now I have to walk around in her underware instead. Nice one mom. Love you anyway
Time to hit the winter city GBG with my dearest Julia! :D Not buying christmas presents (My parents receive the gift of a childs love.. they should be happy!) However I am buying stuff for myself, bra's and shoes are needed! since my mom threw away mine. sigh* She thought she was doing me a favour.. now I have to walk around in her underware instead. Nice one mom. Love you anyway
Pink Floyd - wish you were here
I simply love it. An Amazing song, by an amazing band.
Brings me back to the days when my dad played these songs and I just listened in a trance. Haha.. "I used to be daddy's son but have now turned into a mum's girl". ;)
I'm gonna spend the rest of the evening watching Midomer Murders. More Christmas spirit then this just isn't possible ;)
Mass fornication and sexual imortality to you all! (I'm just in a good mood...)
RETRO IS COOL!!!!! out of boredom I've spent the day solvning my three rubic's cubes an unhealthy amout of times. ohhh happy times! I've missed my cubes... :) Remembering the good old days when we had the competitions and when I had a record on 1 min to solve it.. aha- I'm back in swedish mood ;)
and yup, I'm finaly gonna leave the security and warmth of the indoors. Will probably break a leg or thigh bone in the attempt..
Heading into town to meet up with the cool kids and have a massive cuddle puddle (as one does ofc) and then we'll spend time doing other fun activities. Haha
and yup, I'm finaly gonna leave the security and warmth of the indoors. Will probably break a leg or thigh bone in the attempt..
Heading into town to meet up with the cool kids and have a massive cuddle puddle (as one does ofc) and then we'll spend time doing other fun activities. Haha
Home sweet second home.
ok. Right now. I pretty much realized one good thing with being home.. the bedroom. My sweet awesome, perfect bedroom. Only thing is.. I gave my brother my TV when I left :(



random headline. And my survival song!!!!
Guess who’s back on the east side of the North Sea. Had no internet for most of the day and got right back in the car (after sobering up)… Wow. Never thought I would ever have trouble with driving on the right side. Haha I’ve been converted!!!!! Not ok.
Best moments of the day:
Julia's comment: “Sandra… you reek of tequila”
A mother’s dear laugh when she sees her hung-over daughter drag her ass and her luggage through the airport.
My mother gets a parking fine…
First song on the radio is the uncensored version of Tenacious D’s Kickapoo followed by Guns and Rose’s Paradise city.
leaving St Andrews. Thus, one must listen to Elvis...
No particular reason. I love his music (at least the little I've heard)... and I'm to darn lazy to find a cheesy going away song ;) "leaving on a jet plane" just seemed to be a bit too obvious.
feels SO weired! Not at all like I'm going home. More like I'm going on a winter holiday... with some friends. This makes packing HELL! I hate packing for short trips, 2 weeks is short. And I realized some retard (aka me) only booked 15 kg.... darn.
Well!! Cleaning, laundry, birthday and röcksöc is still on the agenda before the shuttle picks me up at 2:40am! as we would say in the old country.. GÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖTT!!!!
todays soundtrack.
you can never go wrong with zz top. That's just a fact.
that's what friends are for honey.
I'm beginning to feel a bit like a bitch ;) But I know you'll be thank full in the morning for all the water I'm forcing you to drink :P It is the only thing that helps the hangover...
But I've done my friend duties ;) Left you at a party and picked you up at 1:00. My task is done! :D and I still think you did the best thing by going out and partying :D Even if the flight will suck ;) You only live once right?
PUSS på dig snygging! haha see you in Gothenburg :)
But I've done my friend duties ;) Left you at a party and picked you up at 1:00. My task is done! :D and I still think you did the best thing by going out and partying :D Even if the flight will suck ;) You only live once right?
PUSS på dig snygging! haha see you in Gothenburg :)
christmas spirit. One of my favourite songs!
christmas spirit signed the darkness
Justin Hawkins... where do you get those trousers?? One thing's for certain, you are what I want under my christmas tree the 24th ;)
Lucia. 13 dec.
haha LOL! just got the updates from last night from julia and co. .. swedes. haha fun people.
However, not complaining over my night. A Romanian abortion movie? Sundays just doesn't get better then that! My uterus was in pain for most of the time... but I feelt the movie was lacking in coathangers.
Time for lunch now, fish 'n' chips with my party girls. Damn they make me feel old!! haha
Gothenburg boys! Awesome music, Lucky to have seen them several times live + they are my age!! equally old and boring ;)

However, not complaining over my night. A Romanian abortion movie? Sundays just doesn't get better then that! My uterus was in pain for most of the time... but I feelt the movie was lacking in coathangers.
Time for lunch now, fish 'n' chips with my party girls. Damn they make me feel old!! haha
Gothenburg boys! Awesome music, Lucky to have seen them several times live + they are my age!! equally old and boring ;)

today; the only thing that makes me survive the day.

saturday nights. Again..
Awesome saturday, 3pm-3am... Lord of The Rings marathon.
Saturday night has turned into something not equal to sleep and once again last night we went to bed at 5am. Which, to be fair, is the earliest we've been to bed for quite sometime.
but now I'll have to pay the price of sleep deprivation and a day full of carbs. But ofc, it's all totally worth it!
I was perfectly ok last night but let me tell you, sitting on the floor for 12 h is something you feel the day after. gnarly. (not really, but totally worth it!)
Saturday night has turned into something not equal to sleep and once again last night we went to bed at 5am. Which, to be fair, is the earliest we've been to bed for quite sometime.
but now I'll have to pay the price of sleep deprivation and a day full of carbs. But ofc, it's all totally worth it!
I was perfectly ok last night but let me tell you, sitting on the floor for 12 h is something you feel the day after. gnarly. (not really, but totally worth it!)
criminal intent.
heading out to buy a cover, more pillows... haha I have spent the night trying to cling on to my part of the cover... I will have revange!

we scandinavans used to have so much fun with the UK....
lying in my bed with a irritating hung-over. (not to self, don't drink 1,5 bottles of wine in the future).
my phone all the sudden goes off. I get annoyed and reach for it in my delicate state of mind and read it. Economics tutorial in 15 min... in the arts building. HA! well... that's just not happening now is it. + I've been to them all and feelt uncomfortable with the tutorial teacher.. I'm just gonna give myself this one as an early christmas present.
good night last night. No rape and no lizard so I'm pleased.
just for your eyes; just realized my "flower/tree" from IKEA has turned into a beautiful stem. guess that's what happens when you water something 2 times over a period of 3 months.. the maths doesn't add up. But I was never any good at maths so...
my phone all the sudden goes off. I get annoyed and reach for it in my delicate state of mind and read it. Economics tutorial in 15 min... in the arts building. HA! well... that's just not happening now is it. + I've been to them all and feelt uncomfortable with the tutorial teacher.. I'm just gonna give myself this one as an early christmas present.
good night last night. No rape and no lizard so I'm pleased.
just for your eyes; just realized my "flower/tree" from IKEA has turned into a beautiful stem. guess that's what happens when you water something 2 times over a period of 3 months.. the maths doesn't add up. But I was never any good at maths so...
humon comics...

and I shall now stop spaming people on facebook with stupid things and move from my bed. And go get myself some laundry money.
humon comics, never fails to cheer me up..

First I get attacked by pizza cartons at morrison, then I get attacked by a cereal box at home... Then I get attacked by the stupid water tap!!! And now they are telling me that the internet connection isn't working?!? Ffs! Is it gonna be one of those days? Well I'm not f-ing having it.. Silent protesting.
Oh wait, internet's working.. Gandhi's methods always work ;)
I love my saturdays... just had to say that. And my flat. And my academic dad. And the other guy who isn't really related to us..
Just.. no words. To brain dead. just Mass fornication.
And yeah, that will be the legacy I'm leaving behind!

Just.. no words. To brain dead. just Mass fornication.
And yeah, that will be the legacy I'm leaving behind!

listening to:
mumford & sons... love them.
just in a huggy mood...
So, I'm just laying on the kitchen counter.. Drinking te.
Talking about the most random and obscure things as usual.
Yeah, pretty good night I reckon! The questions that still needs to be answered:
1: when will I move from the kitchen counter to the bed.. Will I ever?!
2: why is naked girl always dressed when I turn to look?
on my way out
Listening to one of the best song ever!
Found a picture!

any how. I'm trying to finish my SD assignment. Not happening. I'm also trying to NOT touch the lucia buns we baked yesterday, think I can manage. I'm generally just super, unbelievably BORED!
Hate SD right now. urk! pfft! USCH! hmm and this is just one page we're talking about. Still can't find inspiration to do it. But, I do have the entire day more or less. So I should be done within the hour. or two.

any how. I'm trying to finish my SD assignment. Not happening. I'm also trying to NOT touch the lucia buns we baked yesterday, think I can manage. I'm generally just super, unbelievably BORED!
Hate SD right now. urk! pfft! USCH! hmm and this is just one page we're talking about. Still can't find inspiration to do it. But, I do have the entire day more or less. So I should be done within the hour. or two.