
I feel great, I feel empowered, I feel invincible!

Basically... a great f-ing day!! And it haven't even started yet.

Tiem to head to lectures and then comes the busy fun hours I've been waiting for! Lovely pole followed by Rocksoc to run for a committee position! And I feel great because I think that it's the right position for me!

Ok got to run. Gotta go and seize the day.


Giving my self a study break..

.. Mainly because reading an article with buiscits next to you turned out to be a shit idea. So if I take a break and forget about the buiscits -which has now been safely placed in my bag- and instead ramble on about something that spinns around in that little round head of mine.

So. How am I today. Quite alright I'd have to day. Thanks to certain biological features that came with the uterus it's not the best of days.. but besides that not to bad. Woke up snuggled up in bf armpit as usual. Went to 2 lectures.. a usual (hehe art students).. and managed to book a private little tutorial for tomorrow since -insert female related issue here- I could go this morning. Productive day is probably what I dare call it. + lets not forget I had lunch with Julia so that always brightens up one's day.
However, need to get a lot of work done. On thursday I'll be trying to get on the rocksoc committee (fingerscrossed for me!!!) and I really hope I make it. :)

Know I'd do a great job. + I have a steady heavy influence from the man I share a bed with so I would try to please that side of rocksoc as much as possible. If nothing else in the hopes that he might actually show up one time.

I reckon this is enough of a break... and to top of this little random blog entry - here's a random picture. Enjoy.

first world problem

I want shoes. I know I mention this a lot.. and that I probably come across as some weird crazy shoe lady. Well guess what. I am one.

I really want a pair of Jeffery Campbell. If only they didn't cost £110... and I really want a pair of colourful heels for the summer. These babies for example to a pair of lovely tanned legs? Amazing.

I just have this craving for sumemr and summer outfits right now. Which is odd considering I'm in cold and cloudy scotland (and as far as I've heard Sweden in snowy and thus.. well not much better)

But I want SUN! I want bare legs, I want to wear a bikini. I want to hang on the beach listening to feel gopd music and share a bottle of wine with friends. <3 Summer is carefree. That's why I want it, Even if this summer is gonna be hard at work and probabl spent missing my boy who's gonna be off in Asia for 2 months an awful lot.

I reckon that's why I want these shoes. there's something about a pair of killer heels, a tan and the glamour of summer.

saturdays random

it is such a touchy subject that I almost don't dare speak about it. But then again I think -living in the 21st century and all- we should all be able to get along and be able to speak our minds about this issue regarding religion.

Here is my side on it:

I'm not religious, and I am very comfertable with my role as an atheist. With this said, I still respect people who believe.
However, when people take their belief and live through it AND most importantly tries to force it onto me, that's when I get a problem with it.

Like with many things my philosophy is simple: As long as you are not hurting anyone or trying to change my mind, then you're ok.

(haha after all that I feel almost a bit off posting this photo... but it made me giggle and of course I mean to offend no one)


Is it just me or is it ironic that easter is finally upon us... and on monday I'm back in the lecturehalls? I'm preeeetty darn sure that easter break was between easter? as in the week before and week after... and considering all my social research networks are over flooding with news of people going on break and the streets of st andrews are overtaken by hord of families enjoying themselves.... meh-

Clearly St Andrews uni just goes their own way, and I for one revel in the idea that we had 30 degrees.... people going on break now got hail and rain.

I'm not a bad person really... I'm just happy I got the better of the two.

However! Easter is not gonna be celebrated the olden ways of dressing up as a witch and knocking doors to get candy. Nor will I get an easter egg from my mother, apparently I'm too grown up (I would like to agree to disagree on that one). I'm not even gonna have tha classical Easter lunch with herring, meatballs, tiny sausages or egg and kaviar!

Instead I'll be woring in the library - head home and eat steak and pasta (since that's what I have) with my lovely boyfriend, who I'd like to add as a side note is getting a biiiit to spoiled with me cooking for him daily I reckon, and  (to return to the point again) watch The Voice UK.

Not quite the traditional celebration but I don't see why things always has to be so traditional. I'm young and starting my own traditions! If they involve over working, whatever the fridge offers and shit TV then so be it!!!

oh yea I almost forgot: Happy Easter everyone!

the late night ramble

I've realised something tonight, something great.. And please don't immediately label this random thoughts because I think it might be (well not revolutionary) an important insight. It's about the L word.. Meaning Love (knowing about the tv series) Love is growing on me. I am now fully aware about what that word actually means. To Love someone is to care 110% about them (them being friends, family or bf/gf). Seeing them upset is the most heartbreaking thing, and at the same time seeing them excited and laughing is the best thing in the world. Saying the actual words I Love you to someone has always to me seemed like a milestone.. But then again when it happened, it felt so naturally. As if it was a matter of fact more then a brave move in a relationship. I am so grateful to have people in my life that I feel this way about.. And trust me, when you Love someone they are worth fighting for, or just making that extra effort. I am in Love, and I want to stay in Love for a lot longer por favor.

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